Multimedia installation A.R.R.C 2.0
17 June — 14 August, Sevkabel Port, Tseh (Saint Petersburg)
A total multimedia installation A.R.R.C 2.0 from dreamlaser studio will be on display at the Kabelny Tseh space in Sevkabel Port, Saint Petersburg.
The installation is devoted to the inner artistic evolution and revolution of a person. The A.R.R.C 2.0 space comprises four independent zones, moving through which visitors will be able to go through various emotional states on the way to the awareness and acceptance of the changes inside themselves. Visitors will have an opportunity to choose such a way of moving inside the installation that is close to their personality or mood.
A.R.R.C 2.0 is a re-invented and updated version of a.r.c.c. installation, created by dreamlaser studio in collaboration with curator Ksyusha Chekhovskaya and musician Anny Ly in 2019. The installation was prepared and presented at SIGNAL festival in Prague. Later, in 2020, a.r.c.c. was shown in TSEH * space in Nizhny Novgorod. The central theme of the work — “revolution of personality” and inner rebirth — was preserved in the updated version, but received a new reading and a larger-scale realization.
The A.R.R.C 2.0 installation is divided into four zones:
At the first stage of the route towards self-knowledge, the visitor enters the metaphorical waiting room inside their personality.Here they will have to attempt to structure their thoughts and choose what their inner transformation will be like.
Vertical pillars of light react to the visitors' actions*. In order to move forward, the visitor has to choose how to react to the proposed changes — whether to reject them or to analyze and try to understand their nature.
In the second zone of the media installation the visitors will meet themselves. The mood of the REACT zone is opposition, internal struggle.
The movement and dynamics of lasers highlight the state of struggle: they are always directed from the far end of the room to the entrance — at the visitor**.
The reflection process goes on and at this stage of the metaphorical journey the visitor is on the search for reasons and consequences. Here the visitor will try to make predictions, start to sense and understand their inner metamorphoses***.
The visitor comes across irreconcilable differences, gets stuck and loses the sense of reality. The flashes of a structure consisting of small square screens distort the perception of space: blinking flashes disorient the visitor****.
Together with the sense of being lost, there comes an understanding that nothing is certain, and thus — anything is possible. To overcome the space of chaos, it is necessary to tread lightly and keep your cool — then, maybe, it will be possible to spot a hidden, more complicated order.
*In the AIM zone, there is a structure of 26 rotatable light beams with the power of 24,000 lux — the power which is usually used for large outdoor shows and installations. Lighting devices are synchronized with infrared depth cameras, capturing the data on the spectators' location across the whole area of the zone. The technology allows visitors to interact with the installation.
** «Stars» from red laser emitters turn on in different combinations and form spatial effects. This is a spatial system made of 170 red laser emitters, put together on custom-designed structural elements.
*** In the REFLECT zone, laser planes slowly slide along the walls, scanning the space and encounter mirrors fixed at different angles — these are four lasers with the power of 15W and more (they could also be used for large outdoor shows), whose beams re-reflect from dozens of mirrors chaotically placed in the space. Caught in the mirror, a part of the laser plane is reflected and divided in two; the part not caught in the mirror continues its movement.
**** There are 72 LED-screens floating in the space with the help of a unique construction, practically invisible to the spectator.